
Our Core Values

We partner with missions which are first and foremost gospel-centered that not only draw people into an initial relationship with the Lord, but who are also continuing to invest in these people, discipling them in their next steps with Jesus Christ.

We support ministries that are involved with indigenous churches that appreciate the surrounding culture rather than trying to Americanize the church.

We desire to form a partnership between missions and LVCC to help our congregation become more active in missions so that the church will have a good balance of “go-ers” and “send-ers”.

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations..." Matthew 28:18

Our Partnerships

Below are the missionaries we partner with through prayer, training, involvement and financial support. For information on their specific ministries, simply click on the icons below to visit their perspective websites.

Lee and Becky Wisdom

The Wisdoms serve in Puerto Rico and Panama starting children's bible clubs and teaching bible classes in the public school system.

Pastor David Livingstone

Pastor David plants churches, holds evangelistic events and trains pastors in the jungles of eastern India.

Steve and Debbie ______

Steve and Debbie serve in southeast Asia providing Christian leadership and discipleship and helping combat human trafficking.

Paul Haroutunian

Paul serves with ESA/Love Inc in Fresno collaborating with churches to enhance prayer ministries and events.

Bernie and Lynne Jacobsen

The Jacobsens serve as support to the many missionaries in Eastern Europe and North Africa.

Doug Kulungu

Doug serves in the Congo working with pastors and churches, as well as plants water wells through his organization Well Being.

Answered Prayers:

Lee and Becky - Held Christmas celebrations where many children were eager to accept Christ as their savior.
David - Passed out many gifts to Children and adults, was able to provide 2 weeks worth of food to pastors and their families.

"Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:38 (NIV)

More information

If you would like to get involved in supporting our missionaries, send me an email!

Allison Gilliam

Missions Support Team Leader