Our Mission
To humbly proclaim the message of Jesus Christ and by meeting the essential needs in the Loma Vista community and beyond, embracing those with love and grace.
Backpacks for Kids

Every June we coordinate with CUSD and Sanger Unified to purchase backpacks for students, filling them with school supplies and materials.
Compassion Outreach

The Compassion Outreach ministry works alongside Evangelicals for SocialAction (ESA) and Love in the Name of Christ (Love INC) to help the needy inour community. Loma Vista and the Compassion Outreach show the love ofChrist through assisting our neighbors with groceries, clothing, small homerepairs, and basic assistance or by connecting them with who can help thembest.
Faith and Blue

Faith and Blue is an opportunity to partner with Clovis Police officers & staff to help maintain a safer, stronger community, facilitated by our local faith-based events.
Pregnancy Care Center

Pregnancy Care Center offers compassionate help to women and men through free pregnancy medical and support services; educates our community on healthy relationships and sexual integrity; and provides resources for healing to those who have experienced reproductive loss. Each year, between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, we collect baby bottles and distribute them to our church family for the purpose of collecting donations for their ministry.
Christmas For Kids

Every Christmas season we collect names, ages and gift wishes from children in our community, and connect them with our own people who purchase their gifts.