“How to Set Ministry Goals”
Ministry goals is a discipline that can take some time to develop. However, once it becomes a normal part of your yearly ministry routine, it can give you a sense of focus and direction for prayer.
Of course, all goals are subject to the will and pleasure of what Jesus wants to do in and through our ministry. This is not an exercise of vain conceit, personal kingdom building or even bringing something into reality by our sheer will. Setting goals in ministry is a process of standing back to evaluate, asking ourselves what is working and what isn’t, and laying our plans before the Lord.
Proverbs 16:9 NASB
“The mind of man plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.”
Follow these steps to get a sense of the process:
Step #1: Pray – ask the Lord what would please Him in your life and ministry. Lay before him your desires for ministry and confess any shortcomings and challenges you are facing.
Step #2: Evaluate – ask yourself what is working and what isn’t. identify not just your weaknesses that can be improved, but your strengths that can be developed and opportunities you might be able to capitalize on.
Step #3: Read – look up any articles or blogs from ministries you admire and see if they are doing something that might work in your context. Look up passages or narratives in scriptures to make sure you are biblical in all you do.
Step #4: Plan – Use our Five Purposes as a template to begin setting goals knowing some of your ministries are either too specialized or your time too limited to include them all:
#1: EVANGELISM Ministries – Equipping people to be on mission.
(outreach events, serving projects, mission trips, guest follow up, personal evangelism etc.)
Goal #1: Date to be Completed:
(In the space below, write out action steps, people involved, numerical goals, etc.)
Goal #2: Date to be Completed:
(In the space below, write out action steps, people involved, numerical goals, etc.)
Goal #3: Date to be Completed:
(In the space below, write out action steps, people involved, numerical goals, etc.)
#2: WORSHIP Ministries – Inspiring people to magnify Christ.
(Sunday morning, salvations, baptisms, regular attender follow up, etc.)
Goal #1: Date to be Completed:
(In the space below, write out action steps, people involved, numerical goals, etc.)
Goal #2: Date to be Completed:
(In the space below, write out action steps, people involved, numerical goals, etc.)
Goal #3: Date to be Completed:
(In the space below, write out action steps, people involved, numerical goals, etc.)
#3: FELLOWSHIP Ministries – Welcoming people into membership.
(building relationships, social events, care-giving, MIA follow up, membership, etc.)
Goal #1: Date to be Completed:
(In the space below, write out action steps, people involved, numerical goals, etc.)
Goal #2: Date to be Completed:
(In the space below, write out action steps, people involved, numerical goals, etc.)
Goal #3: Date to be Completed:
(In the space below, write out action steps, people involved, numerical goals, etc.)
#4: DISCIPLESHIP Ministries – Educating people for maturity.
(Growth/small groups, discipleship, education, prayer ministries, giving, etc.)
Goal #1: Date to be Completed:
(In the space below, write out action steps, people involved, numerical goals, etc.)
Goal #2: Date to be Completed:
(In the space below, write out action steps, people involved, numerical goals, etc.)
Goal #3: Date to be Completed:
(In the space below, write out action steps, people involved, numerical goals, etc.)
#5: SERVICE Ministries – Empowering people for ministry.
(leadership/staff development, gift assessment, volunteer appreciation, ministry teams, etc.)
Goal #1: Date to be Completed:
(In the space below, write out action steps, people involved, numerical goals, etc.)
Goal #2: Date to be Completed:
(In the space below, write out action steps, people involved, numerical goals, etc.)
Goal #3: Date to be Completed:
(In the space below, write out action steps, people involved, numerical goals, etc.)